e v e r y d a y / r i t u a l s


All of life can be a ritual, when intention is brought into the everyday routine. I like to think about the simple ways I bring magic into my life. When I was a baby Witch, I thought Magic, Witchcraft, Spells, etc… had to be so big & larger than life. The mystical work that I did in my teens & 20s would contain sooo many components, and be an elaborate (& energetically draining process). I still craft a nuanced & laborious spell on ocassion but I save such spells for special situations (probably once a season or so). It’s no longer my common practice.

Over the last decade (as an often tired single mama) I’ve become more interested in the subtle nature of ritual & magic. Our spiritual practices can be a part of everything, even seemingly mundane tasks can be infused with our own personal gold dust. Magic can be fun & manifestations can be fulfilled with ease. In my magical world, I no longer need things to feel difficult & complex. I work with what I’ve got & expand from my current place. I embrace to delicate bits of magic in every step.

I want to talk about a few of my everyday rituals.

*Plant Support

I love working with plant potions. I take at least one tincture & flower essence daily. Extra magical if you make these yourself. I like to take 3 drops of whatever flower essence I’m working with first thing in the morning & again before bed. I’ll state aloud my intention before I take the flower essence (for example “Please remove distractions & provide clarity.”). I do a similar practice with tinctures. I do find that flower essences provide a very gentle energetic shift-like a layer of sweet glittery light, whereas tinctures tend to work well with bigger blocks or stubborn stuck energy. I’ll take a tincture 3x a day and envision my intended healing w each dose. Play with your potions and let your intuition guide you.

Hawthorn Berry Tincture

Hawthorn Berry Tincture

I love herbal body oiling. Especially when the herbal infused oil is handmade (w actual plants and not essential oils). This is a wonderful way to infuse the largest organ of the body (our skin) with plant magicks. Take a spiritual bath or shower (infuse your bath with various herbs, flowers, gems and relax & meditate by candle light) and when you get out oil your entire body with the herbal infused oil of your choice. Less is more! The oil will extend on your warm, damp skin & you’ll want to wrap up in a towel of old robe for about an hour after so you don’t get oil on your clothes. I often use Mugwort infused oil before bedtime to open the portal to extra vivid, lucid dreams. I like Eucalyptus infused oil to invite in the warmth of summer, when It’s deep winter outside.

*Magickal Coffee & Tea

This is an easy way to call in manifestations & make daily declarations. When you’re stirring your coffee or tea say your desired intention. such as “As I stir this coffee i am calling in harmony & inspiration with all my friends & contacts…”, or whatever you feel called to manifest. Add another layer by adding herbal components to your morning beverage. Cinnamon is lovely for calling in abundance, especially wealth, Honey adds sweetness, Cloves are good for protection, Orange is good for stability in money & love, Roses for romance… you get the idea. Have fun with it & let you intuition guide you.

*Spiritual Housekeeping & De-cluttering

Our homes are a haven & sanctuary from the outside world. I want my own space to feel timeless, ethereal, tidy & mystical. Keeping a clean house is essential, especially for witches & magical folks. Open the windows, vacuum, get the dust bunnies in every corner, mop your floors with an herbal infusion or spiritual water, light beeswax candles, burn your favorite ancestral plants or incense. Organize your belongings.

I’m a tidy person by nature but in the past I did tend to hold onto too much “stuff”. Things used to be pretty cluttered because I was holding onto objects that no longer had a purpose in my life. As a child & teen, objects brought me a sense of security. There are tons of books on de-cluttering but I feel, the bottom line is-if it’s not absolutely useful or loved, get rid of it. Make space for new things (experiences, as we know that physical objects occupy energetic space in our lives). And any object that brings up bummer emotions or anger or sadness (maybe a sweater that your ex gave you last birthday..), is ready to be removed.

Pancakes with Blueberry/Blackberry Compute & Maple Syrup

Pancakes with Blueberry/Blackberry Compute & Maple Syrup

*Make food with LOVE

Do you ever go to a restaurant and order your favorite food and it tastes off or different? Like, energetically. A different cook was working and put different vibes into it… I’m pretty picky about going out to eat. I never eat fast-food. This is because, the energy that is put into food during it’s preparation is infused into it & consumed by the person who eats it. I have a Great Aunt who isn’t very nice & has a bitter disposition. For holiday gatherings she’d make a decadent, yummy looking cake. It looked good but it always tasted off- a little bitter & maybe too salty. As a child, I didn’t get it but I stopped eating anything she brought to the table. When we make our own food, we can make it pretty, infuse it with healing energy & love, play our favorite music, dance around the kitchen… The things we make carries our own specific vibration. This is also why I am very selective when it comes to taking herbal medicines or using potions made by other people. I have found that I only get more sensitive to these energies with time. It helps that I live on a tiny Island with few dining options, but yep, I make most of my food at home.

Enjoy my everyday ritual tips & practice what you feel called to explore. I’m always curious to hear about what you do for your own bits of practical magic. And now it’s time for me to make lunch and go about with more de-cluttering myself. I am working on some big manifestations (more on these in time) & my guides are firmly telling me to get rid of things. I still have a pile of boxes in my closet from moving in July and it’s time to deal with them. Blessings & love to you! xo Mindy Sue